Too good to be true?

Never presuming to take anything for granted, I have had most amazing experience and opportunity, to be asked to create an offering unique to me!

 Wedluxe Magazine approached me with an idea! Having seen my Insignia collection featured in UPPERCASE Magazine, Wedluxe approached me with a beautiful concept for an editorial feature, which to be honest couldn't have been more pitch perfect for my Insignia aesthetic! 

It wasn't long after, that my ideas began to flourish! I had a list of amazing suppliers and talented folk who are intertwined in the wedding industry (florists, cake designers, calligraphers...suppliers such as William Ashley and Klienfeld at my finger tips, yes MAGIC was about to happen!

And it was, It was a magical experience of collaboration and exploration. My new home base Toronto has been so embracing and nurturing of my artistic endeavours, its almost been overwhelming!

I hope you enjoy the video below capturing this truly special day! If you are interested in a wedding or personalised  commissioned insignia ,  I'd love to work with you to create a special bespoke artwork!

Full article here on the Wedluxe Blog.


See the full WEDLUXE featuring 4 other original Insignias here!

A xo