'Gentleman' - a regular on The Paul Henry show

Holding court 'Gentleman' makes a nightly appearance on the set of Paul Henry's prime TV late night news show

I was personally delighted when Kate Alexander of Places & Graces approached me about her vision of featuring 'Gentleman' & 'Sunday Roast' within her set design for Paul Henry's entrance back into a New Zealand primetime TV slot.

I'm a huge fan of Paul Henry, I looked forward to my little hit of hysterical sarcasm when Paul presented the 'Breakfast show' a few years ago. His humour was such a great way to start the day - there's nothing like a good belly laugh when eating your cereal! Now lots of lucky NZers can end the day this way!


'Gentleman' limited edition print features on the set of Paul Henry's TV3 late night news show.

'Gentleman' limited edition print features on the set of Paul Henry's TV3 late night news show.

The Paul Henry Show

The Paul Henry Show